The MEGA cup presents one of the biggest cup prizes to ever be awarded for a cannabis cup competition in South Africa.
From April 2022 to March 2023, 12 MEGA Cup monthly winners will be selected. The winning bud will be scored on bag appeal, bud density, flavour profile, burnability and high effect. Each monthly winner will win a supply of Mega Solution Nutrients, substrate, an octopus bong and octopus trophy plus other smaller prizes.
The ultimate winner of the trip to Barcelona (or store credit to the value of the overseas prize) will be selected from the 12 monthly winners.
All Mega Cup entrants are automatically offered Mega Solution Nutrients at amazing discounted cost @ R1500 for 3 x 5l sets.
Join now and buy your nutrients to start growing to win. Below you will find more information and the bud pics from the first two monthly winners.