Agrisil K50

Size: 1l
Sale priceR 185.00

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Fully soluble, liquid formulation potassium silicate designed for agricultural use. The ultimate silica supplement to aid in building plant stress and disease tolerance.

✓ Improves cell strength resulting in improved crop quality – ideal in IPM programs
✓ Enhances crop tolerance to abiotic and biotic stress


• Row Crops (Maize, Wheat, etc.): Apply AgriSil K50® as a foliar spray or through irrigation at a rate of 0.5 L/ha to a maximum of 5 L/ha, depending on the crop.

• Vegetables & Small Fruits (e.g., Berries): Apply as a foliar spray or through irrigation to improve crop quality and yield.

• Tree Crops and Vines: Use as a foliar spray or through irrigation for stronger, healthier trees with improved fruit retention.

• Nurseries & Hydroponics: AgriSil K50® can be integrated into irrigation water for optimal growth in controlled environments.

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