Rhizovital - 40ml

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RhizoVital® 42 is a concentrated liquid biostimulant designed to enhance root growth and improve plant health by utilizing the beneficial soil bacterium Bacillus amyloliquefaciens strain FZB42. This non-pathogenic microorganism forms a symbiotic relationship with plant roots, stimulating growth, improving nutrient absorption, and providing natural protection against soil-borne pathogens. RhizoVital® 42 is ideal for a wide range of crops, including vegetables, fruits, ornamentals, and row crops, and is an excellent choice for both conventional and organic farming.


• Enhanced Root Growth: RhizoVital® 42 stimulates the growth of strong, healthy roots, improving overall plant vitality and vigor.

• Nutrient Mobilization: It aids in the absorption of essential nutrients, particularly phosphate, manganese, and zinc, enhancing the nutrient availability to plants.

• Disease Resistance: RhizoVital® 42 helps reduce disease incidence by forming a protective sheath around plant roots and activating Induced Systemic Resistance (ISR), boosting the plant's natural defense mechanisms.

• Versatile Application: Suitable for use in seed treatment, drenching, or soil application, RhizoVital® 42 integrates easily into various crop management systems and is compatible with most crop protection products and fertilizers.

• Organic Certified: OMRI-listed and non-GMO, RhizoVital® 42 is safe for organic agriculture and has no withholding period, making it an eco-friendly option for sustainable farming practices.

• Extensively Researched: One of the most thoroughly researched bacterial products available, with proven results in trials showing increased crop yields and improved plant health across a range of crops.

How it Works

• Root Colonization: The Bacillus amyloliquefaciens bacteria quickly colonize the root system, forming a protective sheath that shields the roots from pathogens and stimulates root growth.

• Production of Growth Regulators: The bacteria produce natural plant growth regulators and antibiotics in the root zone, further promoting root health and providing protection from diseases.

• Induced Systemic Resistance (ISR): RhizoVital® 42 activates ISR, reducing the intensity and frequency of diseases when used preventatively.


• Seed Treatment: Apply 0.5 ml/kg of seed for crops such as barley, maize, and wheat. Seeds can be treated up to two weeks before planting.

• Drench Treatment (for vegetables, ornamentals, small fruits): Mix 4 ml of RhizoVital® 42 in 10 L of water for seedling trays, or apply 250–500 ml/ha after transplanting.

• In-Furrow Treatment (for root and bulb vegetables): Apply 500 ml in 80 L of water per hectare during planting. Repeat as a soil drench at weeks 4 and 8.

• Soil Drench for Trees and Vines: Apply 500 ml/ha with the first root flush of the growing season, ensuring adequate water is used to wash the product into the root zone.


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