Cold-pressed plant oil blend for pests specifically red spider mites
A custom blend of 7 different essential oils and canola oil
How to use:
Weekly preventative spray: 3-5ml per litre of water
Extra strength knock down spray: 6-10ml per litre of water
- Spray once a week at sunset or when lights are off. An emulsifier like our Dirty Hands liquid castile soap must be used to emulsify (mix) the oil and water together.
- For high-pest pressure spray with a 3-day waiting period between sprays until pest pressure is reduced then continue with a weekly preventative/maintenance spray.
- To help the emulsification process, mix 300ml of warm water and the oil in a protein shaker before emptying in a spray tank with the remaining. The protein shaker will help thoroughly mix the oil, emulsifier and water before it is added to the bulk of the water.
- Spray the top side of leaves with a light to moderate spray and the underside of leaves with a heavy, spray especially for pests that live there such as spidermites and aphids.
- For cannabis plants, use only in the vegetative phase and up until the 2nd week of the flower phase.
- Phytotoxicity may occur on sensitive cultivars when using the full strength dilution rates and if the interval between sprays is too short.
- Phytotoxicity may occurring on sensitive cultivars when using the full strength dilution rates on plants under high-intensity artificial lighting. It is therefore advisable to set lights on dim the day after spraying and slowly increase light intensity.
- Do not prune or defoliate for 2-3 days after spraying.
- Do NOT use with any other products other than those specified by Dirty Hands.
- Do not use soon after sulphur sprays, allow at least 1–2 weeks and preferably spray the plant with a mild natural soap like Dirty Hands Castile Soap to wash any residual sulphur off before using Vanquish.